Thursday, May 14, 2009

How do you like them apples?

Joe Crede, welcome to the Minnesota Twins. With one swing of the bat you have been accepted into our little club. It's a pretty exclusive club and we don't just let anyone in. You have to do a few things in order to gain admittance...

  1. You have to hustle...always. If you don't you won't stick around (see: Casilla, Alexi)
  2. You have to be able to lay down a bunt at any time (Nick Punto, keep trying. You will get there)
  3. You have to hit a bomb in a key spot (we don't hit too many so when we do hit one it's exciting)
  4. You have to give a boring post-game interview to Robby Incmikoski laden with cliches ("You know we played hard and never gave up and good things happen when you do that. I have faith in my guys and hopefully we can build on this going forward." It's that easy)

That is how you become a Twin. That's how you dominate.


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